# alias
Interact with the aliases registered for this server.
# Examples
# Legacy Command
$go alias create hype => $go play darude sandstorm
$go alias list
$go alias delete hype
# Slash Command
/goalias create hype => $go play darude sandstorm
/goalias list
/goalias delete hype
# Subcommands
create: Create a new alias using GolemAlias format. [name of alias] => [full Golem command]. The alias will be made by removing white space within the "name of alias" section.
# Arguments
- aliascommand* -
: A GolemAlias string. Strings are formatted as "aliasName => $command". Everything to the left of the => delimiter will be stripped of whitespace to make the new alias name. When Golem recieves an alias it will execute the right side of the delimiter as is, and interperet it as if it is a new command.
- aliascommand* -
delete: Delete an alias by name. Requires the target alias to be created by the same user requesting the deletion or the requesting user to have elevated privileges.
# Arguments
- aliasname* -
: The name of the alias to delete. The name is equivalent to what one runs for the command without the prefixed $.
- aliasname* -
list: List aliases registered to this server.