# Commands

# Generate

# Usage

nuxtapose generate|g <template-type> <output-path>

output-path should not include the base output directory of the template. Output Paths with a trailing slash (i.e. dir/my-component/) will create a sub-directory of the same name containing the generated files:

  - dir/
    - my-component/
      - my-component.vue
      - my-component.spec.ts

# Supported Templates

nuxtapose currently only supports Typescript projects, Javascript support is coming soon

template output dir file type notes
c|component components/ vue
p|page pages/ vue
l|layout layouts/ vue Adds layout suffix to provided name
v|vuex store/ TS/JS
mod|module store/<name>/ TS/JS Generates a file each for getters, setters, actions, and state

# Options