# Configuration

Check the Configuration Glossary for all supported configuration options.

The behavior of nuxtapose can be controlled via the .nuxtaposerc.json

# Example Config

  "component": "custom-comp",
  "vuex": "modules",
  "module": "modules",
  "confirmChanges": "overwrite-only",
  "reportLevel": "none",
  "srcDir": "src/"

# General Configuration

# Source Directory

If your project makes use of Nuxt's srcDir (opens new window) option, set the srcDir configuration option to the same value.

nuxtapose will do it's best to determine this value automatically when running the configuration wizard.

# Template Configuration

# Custom Templates

Custom templates can be provided to the configuration by passing the path to the config as a string.

Custom Templating

# component

Sets the template type for Components, Pages, and Layouts.

# Options

  • Typescript
    • class-based
    • options-api
  • Javascript
    • Coming Soon

# vuex

Sets the template type for new Vuex Store files.

# Options

  • Typescript
    • modules
    • class-based (Coming Soon)
  • Javascript
    • Coming Soon

# module

Sets template type for Vuex Modules. Vuex Modules generate sub directories under the store/ directory and separate their actions, mutations, getters, and state to different files.

# Options

  • Typescript
    • modules
  • Javascript
    • Coming Soon

# Runtime Configuration

# confirmChanges

Sets when nuxtapose should ask for confirmation to write a file.

# Options

  • never - Never ask for confirmation to write a file
  • overwrite-only - Only ask for confirmation if a file of the same name already exists (default)
  • always - Ask for confirmation before writing any file

# reportLevel

Controls how verbose nuxtapose should be in its after-run reports.

# Options

  • all - Report all events (default)
  • completed-only - Only report events for operations that completed
  • none - Suppress the after-run report entirely